F A C I L I T I E S 


Mild steel MIG and TIG 
Stainless Steel TIG 
Aluminium TIG 


We have both hand rolling (better for precision) and power rolling (for larger pieces) capabilities. We can roll small pieces to about 40mm diameter. Larger pieces, dependant on dimensions, up to 6mm thick material at 700mm long or 3mm at 1800mm long. With years of rolling experience we are happy cones and of all sizes. 


Utilising a Hydroform for cranking jobs i.e square to rounds is the more complicated side of folding we also are able to fold straight pieces in: 
Mild steel - 5mm thick, 1500mm long. 4mm thick, 2500mm long. 
Stainless steel - 5mm thick, 1000mm long. 3mm thick, 2500mm long. 
Aluminium - 5mm thick, 2500mm long. 


We have 2 guillotines that have a maximum capacity of 2500mm in 6mm mild steel or 2500mm in 5mm stainless steel. We employ various hand cutting methods but where absolute precision is required we utilise cnc plasma or laser cutting. 

Site Work 

We regularly perform installations or fabrications on site dependant on distance, mainly in the Manchester / Stockport area. Anything from working in parks to fabrication within factories. We have undertaken jobs of all sizes to strict time lines. 

Please do not hesitate to call us on 0161 480 8928 to discuss what finish would be best for your job.